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our adult inpatient program offers treatment for a variety of mental health disorders, including anxiety. Our commitment to personalized care means that when you receive treatment with us, you will have an experience that is tailored to your individual needs.

Anxiety disorders are a category of mental health conditions that are characterized by symptoms such as pervasive worry and overwhelming fear.

It is common, normal, and even healthy to experience temporary periods of fear, worry, and similar feelings. However, if these emotions persist for an extended period of time, or if they become so severe that they impair your ability to function, then you may have developed an anxiety disorder.

Common forms of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and specific phobia. The various forms of anxiety disorders are differentiated by the nature and severity of their symptoms, as well as their short-term effects and long-term effects.

In general, all types of anxiety disorders can undermine your ability to live a healthy and satisfying independent lifestyle. However, anxiety disorders can be treated. When you receive effective treatment for anxiety disorders at Dove International Mental Health center, you can regain control of your thoughts and actions.

With the help of the experienced professionals at our  Dove international Mental Health Center experience true and lasting healing from the effects of anxiety disorders.

What Are the Clinical Criteria for a Diagnosis of an Anxiety Disorder?

To determine if you or someone you care about is struggling with an anxiety disorder, you must be assessed by a qualified healthcare provider. At reputable treatment centers such as Dove International Mental Health Center, professionals diagnose anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions based upon criteria listed in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Commonly referred to as the DSM-5, this reference book is published by the American Psychiatric Association, or APA. The DSM-5 identifies the type, frequency, and severity of symptoms that a person must be experiencing in order to be diagnosed with a mental or behavioral health disorder.

Examples of information about the several forms of anxiety disorders in the DSM-5 include the following:

  • Symptoms of anxiety disorders differ from developmentally appropriate emotions in terms of both intensity and persistence.
  • The determination that fears or worries are proportional or excessive must be made by a clinician, because individuals who are struggling with an anxiety disorder will usually overestimate the degree of danger or risk posed by events that prompt these emotions.
  • Symptoms of anxiety disorders typically last six months or longer.
  • Types of anxiety disorders are differentiated from one another by the situations or objects that prompt the onset of symptoms.
  • Symptoms of anxiety disorders will cause people to experience persistent excessive distress.
  • Symptoms of anxiety disorders may cause people to experience impaired functioning in academic, occupational, social, or other important areas.

It is extremely important to understand that only a qualified professional can make an accurate diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders cannot be self-diagnosed, nor can they be diagnosed by a well-meaning friend or family member. If you suspect that you or someone you love may be struggling with an anxiety disorder, contact Dove International Mental Health Center or another trusted behavioral healthcare hospital.

Completing a thorough assessment and receiving an accurate diagnosis are essential steps in the effort to overcome the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety disorders.

Why Do People Suffer from Anxiety Disorders?

It is not always possible to determine the cause of an anxiety disorder. Decades of research suggests that a variety of internal and external factors can influence your risk for developing an anxiety disorder. Experts have identified the following possible anxiety disorder causes and risk factors:

  • Being female (certain anxiety disorders are less common among men than among women)
  • Family history of anxiety disorders or other types of mental illness
  • Personal history of other types of mental illness
  • Personal history of certain types of trauma
  • Certain types of childhood adversity, such as losing a parent due to death, divorce, or separation
  • Insufficient levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system
  • Continued exposure to stress

Who Is Impacted by Anxiety Disorders?

Millions of  adults experience the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety disorders every year. But the impact of anxiety disorders extends beyond the individuals who develop the disorders. Spouses, partners, children, friends, and other loved ones can be affected when a person develops an anxiety disorder.

In addition to being impacted by a loved one’s struggles with anxiety disorders, friends and family members can also play an important role in the individual’s treatment and recovery. Dove International Mental Health center, offers family support services for loved ones of the individuals who are participating in our inpatient anxiety disorder treatment program.

Family support services can help family and friends process the impact that their loved one’s struggles with an anxiety disorder has had on them. Family sessions can also help loved ones learn how to provide the most meaningful assistance to the individual who is in treatment.

Family support services at Dove International Mental Health center promote effective communication and encourage a sense of unity among friends, family members, and individuals who are receiving inpatient treatment for anxiety disorders.

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

The signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders can vary from person to person. Factors such as the type of anxiety disorder a person is experiencing, the presence of co-occurring disorders, and the individual’s treatment history can influence the nature and severity of anxiety disorder signs and symptoms.

In general, the following are among the more common behavioral, physical, and mental signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders:

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Altering behavior patterns to avoid certain people, places, or objects
  • Refusing to be in confined spaces, or in open spaces
  • Being hesitant or unwilling to attend events with large amounts of people
  • Pulling away from family and friends
  • No longer participating in activities that were once of great significance

Physical symptoms:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle tension
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hot flashes or chills
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
  • Disrupted sleep patterns

Mental symptoms:

  • Inability to concentrate or focus
  • Extreme unwarranted nervousness
  • Persistent sense of worry or dread
  • Overwhelming fear of being judged by others
  • Pervasive sense of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feeling of being detached from your body or surroundings

Short-Term Effects of Anxiety Disorders

Failing to get effective professional care for an anxiety disorder can put you at risk for several short- and long-term effects. Short-term effects of anxiety disorders, such as the ones listed below, can occur soon after you begin to experience the symptoms of the anxiety disorder:

  • Problems in your relationships with family members and friends
  • Not performing to capacity in school or at work
  • Onset of co-occurring mental health challenges
  • Diminished self-confidence or self-esteem
  • Social withdrawal
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal ideation

Please note that the short-term effects of anxiety disorders can vary in terms of onset, severity, and duration from person to person. It’s also important to understand that describing these as short-term effects of anxiety disorders does not imply that they are fleeting or superficial.

The short-term effects of anxiety disorders can cause considerable harm. Anyone who is struggling with the short-term effects of any anxiety disorder should seek professional care.

Long-Term Effects of Anxiety Disorders

The longer you struggle with an untreated anxiety disorder, the more you risk developing additional and possibly more severe effects. The following are among the long-term effects of anxiety disorders:

  • Ruined personal and professional relationships
  • Job loss and chronic unemployment
  • Financial difficulties
  • Onset or worsening of co-occurring mental health challenges
  • Addiction
  • Pervasive sense of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Social isolation
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions

As with the short-term effects that were listed in the previous section, the long-term effects of anxiety disorders can vary from person to person in terms of onset, duration, and severity. Also, both the short- and long-term effects of anxiety disorders can have a decidedly detrimental impact on your life. If you experience any short- or long-term effects of an anxiety disorder, you should seek treatment.

When you get help at an anxiety treatment center such as Dove International Mental Health Center, you minimize your risk for developing future long-term effects of anxiety disorders. With our help, you can also begin to heal from any harm that you’ve already experienced.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Many adults who experience the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety disorders also develop other mental or behavioral health challenges. In clinical terms, this is referred to as having co-occurring disorders. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may have an increased risk for the following co-occurring disorders:

  • Depressive disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Other anxiety disorders
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Substance use disorders (the clinical term for addiction)

The cause-effect relationship between anxiety disorders and the co-occurring disorders listed above varies from person to person. Some people develop an anxiety disorder first, then begin to experience symptoms of a co-occurring disorder. Others develop one of the disorders listed here first, then begin to struggle with the signs, symptoms, and effects of an anxiety disorder.

Regardless of what order you first experience these disorders, or what types of anxiety disorders and co-occurring disorders you develop, one fact remains the same: You need comprehensive professional treatment that can identify and address all the issues that have been impacting your life.

When you choose Dove International Mental Health center you’ll get the help you need so that you can experience true and lasting healing from anxiety disorders and any co-occurring disorders.

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

The signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders can vary from person to person. Factors such as the type of anxiety disorder a person is experiencing, the presence of co-occurring disorders, and the individual’s treatment history can influence the nature and severity of anxiety disorder signs and symptoms.

In general, the following are among the more common behavioral, physical, and mental signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders:

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Altering behavior patterns to avoid certain people, places, or objects
  • Refusing to be in confined spaces, or in open spaces
  • Being hesitant or unwilling to attend events with large amounts of people
  • Pulling away from family and friends
  • No longer participating in activities that were once of great significance

Physical symptoms:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle tension
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hot flashes or chills
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
  • Disrupted sleep patterns

Mental symptoms:

  • Inability to concentrate or focus
  • Extreme unwarranted nervousness
  • Persistent sense of worry or dread
  • Overwhelming fear of being judged by others
  • Pervasive sense of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Feeling of being detached from your body or surroundings

Short-Term Effects of Anxiety Disorders

Failing to get effective professional care for an anxiety disorder can put you at risk for several short- and long-term effects. Short-term effects of anxiety disorders, such as the ones listed below, can occur soon after you begin to experience the symptoms of the anxiety disorder:

  • Problems in your relationships with family members and friends
  • Not performing to capacity in school or at work
  • Onset of co-occurring mental health challenges
  • Diminished self-confidence or self-esteem
  • Social withdrawal
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal ideation

Please note that the short-term effects of anxiety disorders can vary in terms of onset, severity, and duration from person to person. It’s also important to understand that describing these as short-term effects of anxiety disorders does not imply that they are fleeting or superficial.

The short-term effects of anxiety disorders can cause considerable harm. Anyone who is struggling with the short-term effects of any anxiety disorder should seek professional care.

Long-Term Effects of Anxiety Disorders

The longer you struggle with an untreated anxiety disorder, the more you risk developing additional and possibly more severe effects. The following are among the long-term effects of anxiety disorders:

  • Ruined personal and professional relationships
  • Job loss and chronic unemployment
  • Financial difficulties
  • Onset or worsening of co-occurring mental health challenges
  • Addiction
  • Pervasive sense of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Social isolation
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions

As with the short-term effects that were listed in the previous section, the long-term effects of anxiety disorders can vary from person to person in terms of onset, duration, and severity. Also, both the short- and long-term effects of anxiety disorders can have a decidedly detrimental impact on your life. If you experience any short- or long-term effects of an anxiety disorder, you should seek treatment.

When you get help at an anxiety treatment center such as Mount Carmel Behavioral Health, you minimize your risk for developing future long-term effects of anxiety disorders. With our help, you can also begin to heal from any harm that you’ve already experienced.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Many adults who experience the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety disorders also develop other mental or behavioral health challenges. In clinical terms, this is referred to as having co-occurring disorders. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may have an increased risk for the following co-occurring disorders:

  • Depressive disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Other anxiety disorders
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Substance use disorders (the clinical term for addiction)

The cause-effect relationship between anxiety disorders and the co-occurring disorders listed above varies from person to person. Some people develop an anxiety disorder first, then begin to experience symptoms of a co-occurring disorder. Others develop one of the disorders listed here first, then begin to struggle with the signs, symptoms, and effects of an anxiety disorder.

Regardless of what order you first experience these disorders, or what types of anxiety disorders and co-occurring disorders you develop, one fact remains the same: You need comprehensive professional treatment that can identify and address all the issues that have been impacting your life.

When you choose Dove International Mental Health center you’ll get the help you need so that you can experience true and lasting healing from anxiety disorders and any co-occurring disorders.

The Importance of Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

Untreated anxiety disorders can have a devastating impact on virtually all aspects of your life. When you don’t get effective professional treatment for an anxiety disorder, your personal, professional, social, and economic well-being can all suffer.

Symptoms of untreated anxiety disorders can make it difficult for you to form and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. On a professional level, this can undermine your ability to work well with your colleagues. This can lead to setbacks such as demotions, job loss, unemployment, and financial problems. On a personal level, the potential for isolation can deprive you of valuable support at a time when you may most need it.

If you attempt to self-medicate the symptoms of an anxiety disorder with alcohol or other drugs, you risk developing an addiction. This, in turn, can expose you to additional physical and psychological harm. The cumulative impact of untreated anxiety on your physical, emotional, and socioeconomic well-being can cause you to descend into hopelessness and helplessness. You may also be at risk for self-harm or suicide.

However, when you choose to receive comprehensive, personalized treatment for an anxiety disorder at Dove International Mental Health Center, you can avoid future harm while healing from past damage. At our treatment center at Dove International Mental Health center, you can get the help you need to live the healthier life you deserve.

Inpatient Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

When you’re in the process of seeking treatment for an anxiety disorder, one of the most important steps is finding the center that offers the level of care that’s right for you.

Dove International Mental Health center, provides treatment for adults who are struggling with symptoms of various mental health concerns, including anxiety, in our adult inpatient program. When you or a loved one heals from an anxiety disorder at our hospital, you’ll receive intensive short-term services to help you achieve stabilization, with the goal of enabling you to return home or transition to a lower level of care. Most adults who complete our inpatient programming for anxiety disorders stay with us for five to seven days. Of course, the amount of time that you or your loved one spends in our inpatient anxiety disorder program will be based upon your needs and progress.

While you’re in our inpatient anxiety disorder program, you’ll benefit from round-the-clock monitoring, and you’ll take part in an array of therapeutic activities. As with your length of stay, the specifics of your personalized inpatient anxiety disorder treatment plan will be determined by what’s best for you.

How to Get Help for Anxiety Disorders

The good news about anxiety disorders is that they are treatable conditions. With the right type and level of care, you or your loved one can experience significant improvements. The unfortunate news is that many people who can benefit from comprehensive treatment for anxiety disorders fail to seek the care they need.

If you or a loved one can benefit from professional care for an anxiety disorder, please consider the following:

  • Your safety, or the safety of a loved one who has been struggling with an anxiety disorder, should be your top priority. If you are thinking about hurting yourself, or you fear that your loved one is in imminent danger due to self-harm or suicidal thoughts, get help immediately, or contact an emergency responder in your community.
  • If the danger is not imminent, educate yourself about the signs, symptoms, and effects of anxiety disorders. Also, research the types and levels of treatment that have helped others overcome anxiety disorders. The better you understand the challenge, and the more you know about possible solutions, the better prepared you’ll be to make meaningful progress.
  • Resist the urge to isolate yourself. If your loved one is struggling with an anxiety disorder, reach out to them. Interpersonal support is a crucial component of successful recovery from an anxiety disorder. It can be difficult to talk about anxiety disorder symptoms and treatment, but these conversations can be vital.
  • Contact the anxiety disorder treatment centers that appear to be the best fit for yourself or your loved one. When you contact Mount Carmel Behavioral Health, a member of our team can answer all your questions. If you’re ready to enter treatment, we can schedule an admissions assessment. If your loved one is hesitant about getting professional help for an anxiety disorder, we can advise you on how to proceed.

Before, during, and after treatment for an anxiety disorder, be sure to manage your expectations and set reasonable goals. Overcoming an anxiety disorder is a long-term experience. Be prepared for successes and setbacks along the way, and don’t allow temporary obstacles to derail your progress.

What to Expect During Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Our commitment to personalized care means that when you receive treatment in our adult inpatient program, you will have an experience that is tailored to your needs. New experiences can be stressful, even when you know you’re making a positive step toward a healthier future.

Understanding exactly what happens during anxiety disorder treatment can be an important part of easing your mind and preparing you for a successful experience. When you choose Dove International Mental Health Center, here’s what you can expect:

  • The admissions process – The goal of our admissions process is to get you into treatment as efficiently and effectively as possible. You can even start the process over the phone. As with every other aspect of your Dove International Mental Health center experience, your admissions experience will be unique to you. In general, though, the process involves collecting some information about your needs and treatment history. We’ll also confirm your insurance coverage, address any financial questions that you have, and schedule you to start treatment.
  • Your assessment – Prior to fully engaging in anxiety disorder treatment at Dove International Mental Health center, you’ll complete a thorough assessment. This ensures that your treatment team has a complete understanding of your needs and can prepare the personalized treatment plan that will put you in the best position to achieve long-term success. During your assessment, you’ll work with compassionate professionals who will treat you with the utmost respect.
  • Your time in treatment – Your assessment will guide the initial development of your personalized treatment plan. But this plan may evolve throughout your time in our care, and you’ll play an important part in that process. While you’re at Dove International Mental Health center, you’ll be encouraged to work in active collaboration with your treatment team. Your voice will be heard, your perspective and preferences will be respected, and you’ll be empowered to take ownership of your recovery.
  • Discharge planning – The day you enter the anxiety treatment program at Dove International Mental Health center, we’ll begin to plan for your eventual discharge. Our extended discharge planning process ensures that when you’re ready to transition out of our care, you’ll have a detailed document to guide the next phases of your recovery. Your discharge plan will identify the programs, resources, and organizations that will help you maintain and build upon the progress you make at our anxiety disorder.

For a more detailed picture of what you can expect while you’re in treatment for an anxiety disorder at Dove International Mental Health center, please contact us at your convenience. The more we know about your strengths, needs, goals, and expectations, the better we’ll be able to describe what you’ll experience with us and how we can help.

Types of Therapy in Anxiety Disorder Treatment

We believe that comprehensive, customized anxiety disorder treatment puts people in the best position to achieve true and lasting healing. Depending upon several individual factors, your personalized anxiety disorder treatment plan may include the following elements:

  • Medical care – Our staff includes certified nurse practitioners who can provide general medical services below the crisis level. If your struggles with an anxiety disorder are accompanied by certain medical issues, we may be able to provide the care that you need. Please contact us directly for detailed information about our ability to meet your medical needs within our anxiety disorder treatment program.
  • Medication management – Certain prescription medications can alleviate or help you manage symptoms of anxiety disorders. If our psychiatrist determines that you can benefit from prescription medication, you can receive medication management services during your time in our anxiety disorder treatment center. Patients who receive medication management services have daily meetings with a psychiatrist and receive additional support from advanced practice nurses.
  • Individual therapy – One-on-one sessions with an experienced therapist can be optimal opportunities for you to process treatment-related successes and setbacks, address issues you may be hesitant to bring up in a group setting, and receive focused feedback from a member of your treatment team. Individual therapy sessions can be scheduled as needed throughout your time in our inpatient anxiety disorder treatment program.
  • Group therapy – Groups are valuable components of anxiety disorder treatment at Mount Carmel Behavioral Health. We offer both process groups and educational groups. Examples of group topics include life skills, coping skills, communication, medications and diagnoses, emotional regulation, and handling traumatic life events. Groups are a safe and supportive forum in which you can share your thoughts, learn from the experiences of others, and practice healthy communication skills, all under the guidance of an experienced professional.
  • Family therapy – Family members and close friends can be sources of vital support during and after your time in treatment for an anxiety disorder. Family therapy sessions can help you and your loved ones process the impact of anxiety disorders, learn about treatment, and develop stronger bonds with one another. Family therapy sessions for you and your loved ones can be scheduled on an as-needed basis while you’re healing from an anxiety disorder at Dove International Mental Health center.
  • Experiential therapy – Experiential therapy is a category that includes a number of dynamic therapeutic activities. Experiential therapy includes multiple techniques through which you can interact with your environment, collaborate with others, and engage with your thoughts or feelings. As a complement to more traditional forms of talk therapy, experiential therapy can provide you with a new perspective from which to view the world, as well as new ways to process your experiences and express yourself.

We also offer detailed discharge planning services for each person who completes our inpatient anxiety disorder treatment program. Discharge planning and continuing care for anxiety disorders are addressed in greater detail in the “What Happens After Anxiety Disorder Treatment” section below.

The Cost of Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

Worries about the cost of anxiety disorder treatment unfortunately prevent many people from seeking the care that can significantly improve their lives. When you choose Dove International Mental Health Center, you’ll have the opportunity to work with compassionate experts who can answer all your financial questions and provide you with an accurate, detailed understanding of the cost of your anxiety treatment.

Our commitment to customized care means that your personalized treatment plan will be developed specifically for you. The cost of your anxiety disorder treatment will depend upon which services you receive. With that in mind, please know that prior to starting treatment at our behavioral health hospital, you will have all the information you need regarding the cost of your care.

If you intend to use insurance to pay for anxiety treatment at Dove International Mental Health Center, we can coordinate directly with your insurance provider. Our experts can confirm your coverage, verify your benefits, and help you get clarity regarding all insurance-related matters.

Don’t let concerns about the cost of anxiety disorder treatment stop you from seeking professional care. At Dove International Mental Health center, you’ll get the answers and guidance you need to make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

What Happens After I Complete Treatment for an Anxiety Disorder?

The goal of inpatient treatment for anxiety disorders at Dove International Mental Health center is to help adults achieve stabilization so they can return home or step down to a less intensive level of care.

Most people who complete treatment for an anxiety disorder at our behavioral health hospital remain in our care for five to seven days. Following this short-term treatment experience, a variety of services and resources may be necessary to support your continued progress.

As you near the end of your time in our anxiety treatment center, your treatment team will provide you with a detailed discharge plan. This document will guide the next phases of your recovery. As with all elements of treatment at Dove International Mental Health Center, your discharge plan will be personalized to best meet your unique needs and help you achieve your short- and long-term goals. Depending upon those factors, your discharge plan may include referrals to structured step-down care, connections with local support groups, and other beneficial information.

Detailed discharge planning is an important service that can keep you on the path of continued healing after you’ve completed inpatient treatment for an anxiety disorder.

Learn About Continuing Care for Anxiety Disorders

Some people who complete inpatient anxiety treatment at our behavioral health hospital are best served by stepping down to a less intensive level of care after their time with us. The day you or your loved one enters our anxiety treatment program, we’ll begin working to identify the best continuing care options.

Your continuing care plan will be informed by the nature and severity of your anxiety symptoms, the presence of any co-occurring disorders, any short- or long-term effects of anxiety that you’re still experiencing, and a host of additional influences.

Depending upon these factors and your personal preferences, we may encourage you to participate in continuing care at one or more of the following levels:

  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP) – Treatment for anxiety disorders at the PHP level usually involves five full days of therapy and related activities each week. In the evenings and on weekends, you may return to your home or to a supported residence.
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP) – At the IOP level, anxiety disorder treatment may include two or three hours of services, two to four days per week. Intensive outpatient treatment for anxiety provides you with a structured connection to professional care while also encouraging you to develop a healthy independent lifestyle.
  • Traditional outpatient services – Traditional outpatient services for anxiety can include individual, group, and family therapy. Traditional outpatient therapy can be scheduled at the frequency that works best for you. On a weekly, monthly, or other basis, traditional outpatient treatment for anxiety disorders can be a valuable source of both short- and long-term support.
  • Support groups – PHP, IOP, and traditional outpatient services all feature beneficial interactions with experienced professionals. Support groups, on the other hand, often emphasize peer support. Your treatment team can help you identify local anxiety disorder support groups in the Columbus, Ohio, area, or in other locations as needed.

Please note that Dove International Mental Health center provides anxiety disorder treatment at the inpatient level only. However, our connections with caregivers throughout Kenya ensure that we can refer you to reputable treatment providers that offer the continuing care services you need.

How to Maintain Your Mental Health After Completing Treatment for an Anxiety Disorder

The short- and long-term effects of anxiety disorders can include significant physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. During your time at our behavioral health hospital, you’ll learn how to manage the symptoms of anxiety disorders. At our anxiety treatment center, you can begin to heal from the damage you’ve experienced.

To maintain your mental health and build upon your progress after you’ve completed treatment for an anxiety disorder, you will need to practice effective self-care. The specifics of your self-care plan will be unique to you. In general, though, paying attention to the following three areas can be important:

  • Physical health – While you’re in treatment for the effects of an anxiety disorder, you may learn about the mind-body connection. Your physical health can impact your mental well-being, and vice versa. Getting enough sleep, following a nutritious diet, and exercising on a regular basis can be beneficial to your mental health. As with all physical health matters, it’s important to consult with a physician when you need to and heed the advice you receive.
  • Personal support – Withdrawal and isolation are among the many short-term and long-term effects of anxiety disorders. During your time in our anxiety treatment center, you will learn about the importance of forming and maintaining a personal support network. Close friends, trusted family members, and others who are working to overcome anxiety disorders can be essential sources of support. Maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships can also help you develop better self-esteem and improved self-confidence.
  • Professional help – Recovering from an anxiety disorder can be a complex challenge. Along the way, you will experience both successes and setbacks. It’s possible that these setbacks may require you to once again seek professional treatment for symptoms of an anxiety disorder. It’s important to understand that getting professional help after you’ve already completed treatment for an anxiety disorder is not a sign of failure. Rather, knowing when to get help is a sign of strength, courage, and commitment to your continued success.

Who Do We Treat?

Dove International Mental Health center, provides comprehensive inpatient anxiety disorder treatment for adults age 18 and above.

Our inpatient programming is designed for adults whose struggles with anxiety disorders have had a significant impact on their ability to function in a healthy and productive manner. Inpatient care for anxiety disorders at Dove International Mental Health center is a short-term experience, with the goal of helping you achieve the level of stability that will enable you to return home or transition to a step-down level of care.

All admissions decisions for our inpatient anxiety disorder treatment program are made on a case-by-case basis following a thorough review of each potential patient’s needs and treatment history. If at any point prior to admission we determine that Dove International Mental Health center is not the best place for you, we’ll work with you and your family to make the most appropriate referral.